Asian cuisine is comforting, flavorful and often fairly simple to prepare. So why order in for Chinese, Korean, Thai or Japanese, when you can create a fabulous Asian meal for two (or more) that's fresh and fulfilling? Come to ICE to learn these cornerstones of Asian cuisine, including: spareribs with black bean sauce; vegetable potstickers; pad thai; and green papaya salad.
You will work in teams to execute the class menu. At the end of class, participants gather to enjoy the food they have prepared. Wine is served with meals in most classes. All class menus are subject to change. While a snack platter is offered in both morning and evening classes, you may want to consider a light snack before joining us for class. Students are encouraged to bring a light lunch or dinner to all pastry classes.
You will work in teams to execute the class menu. At the end of class, participants gather to enjoy the food they have prepared. Wine is served with meals in most classes. All class menus are subject to change. While a snack platter is offered in both morning and evening classes, you may want to consider a light snack before joining us for class. Students are encouraged to bring a light lunch or dinner to all pastry classes.
Steak is always a satisfying dinner, but it gets more of a boost when paired with bourbon. Come to ICE with your significant other for a night of steakhouse cuisine, where you will savor classic flavors updated with bourbon notes. You will prepare and enjoy: clams casino; wedge salad with crispy bacon, blue cheese and bourbon vinaigrette; New York strip steak au poivre with bourbon cream sauce; haricots verts (French green beans) and truffled mashed potatoes.
No one doesn't like doughnuts. That includes filled doughnuts, cake-style doughnuts, glazed doughnuts and much more. On Day 1, you'll learn how to make yeast and cake doughnut doughs; then create different fillings and toppings, including pastry creams and glazes. On Day 2, you'll fry and practice filling, icing and decorating your delicious doughnuts. Our menu includes: Boston cream; chocolate cake, jelly-filled; apple cider; and vanilla glazed doughnuts.
As a natural extension of its expansive pastures, renowned ranches and roaming cattle, Texas has a longstanding steakhouse tradition. There, juicy steaks are often served with a hot and rich chile sauce, which mashed potatoes or cornbread greedily sop up. Enjoy these dishes and more as you celebrate the Lone Star State by making and dining on: homemade chips and guacamole; skirt steak with tomatillo-serrano chile sauce; jalapeño creamed corn; and buttermilk mashed potatoes
The only way to improve on fresh-baked bread and pastries in your home is...if you could make them without taking up tons of time for rising and resting. Luckily, our ICE Pastry Chefs know all the secrets to baking these faster-than-usual breads and pastries --- which taste just as good. In seemingly no time at all, our table will be overflowing with: zucchini loaves, chai honey scones, and banana nut muffins
Ranked as America’s Best Culinary School (USAToday 2019), our roster of Chef-Instructors have run top kitchens around the globe.
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